Schools to cut mid-year exams for several levels; Primary 1 and 2 pupils will not be graded

发布: 2018年8月28日

来自: The Straits Times



Mid-year examinations for Primary 3 and 5 and Secondary 1 and 3 students will be scrapped over the next three years, to move away from the narrow focus on grades and help students discover the joy of learning.

Currently, there are no examinations for Primary 1 and just final-year examinations for Primary 2. From 2019, all graded assessments and examinations at Primary 2 will also be removed to give young pupils two test-free years. Teachers will use qualitative descriptors to report on their pupils’ learning.

And to stress the message that learning is not a competition, report books will no longer state the class and level ranking of a student at both primary and secondary levels. Marks for each subject will be rounded off and presented as whole numbers, without decimal points, to reduce the excessive focus on marks.

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