More than 77% of students who took N(A)-Level exams eligible for Secondary 5
发布: 2023年 12月18日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: Of the 9,153 candidates who sat the Normal (Academic) Level exams this year, 77.2 per cent of them can progress to Secondary 5. Candidates who took the 2023 N(A) and Normal (Technical) examinations received their results on Monday (Dec 18), said the Ministry of Education (MOE) […]
PSLE results: 98.4% of students can progress to secondary school
发布: 2023年 11月22日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: For the eighth consecutive year, 98.4 per cent of Primary 6 students who sat for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) made it to secondary school. The PSLE results were released from 11am on Wednesday (Nov 22). A total of 38,088 Primary 6 students sat for the PSLE […]