New PSLE scoring system: MOE releases cut-off points for Singapore’s secondary schools
发布: 2021年 4月27日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: Primary 6 pupils will not need to achieve perfect scores to get into top secondary schools when the new PSLE scoring system takes effect this year, based on entry scores for 139 secondary schools released on Tuesday (April 27) by the Education Ministry. The […]
Primary 5 pupils to be graded using new PSLE scoring system from next year
发布: 2019年 7月25日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: Starting next year, Primary 5 pupils will be graded with the new Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) scoring system to help them come to grips with it. These pupils will be the first cohort to undergo the new PSLE scoring system in 2021, which grades them […]
Streaming into Normal & Express (Sec) to stop in 2024; to be replaced by full subject-based banding
发布: 2019年 3月5日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: Forty years after streaming was introduced in secondary schools, the Education Ministry has taken the momentous step to do away with the Normal (Technical), Normal (Academic) and Express streams. Instead, there will be full subject-based banding, in which students will take up subjects at higher […]
PSLE changes: 8 Achievement Levels offer a good balance, says MOE
发布: 2016年7月14日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: On the one hand, pupils should not be pressured into chasing that final mark in the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). At the same time, scores should still be able to sort them meaningfully for secondary school posting, to cut down on computer balloting. That is why […]
Schools to cut mid-year exams for several levels; Primary 1 and 2 pupils will not be graded
发布: 2018年8月28日 来自: The Straits Times 取自: Mid-year examinations for Primary 3 and 5 and Secondary 1 and 3 students will be scrapped over the next three years, to move away from the narrow focus on grades and help students discover the joy of learning. Currently, there are no examinations for Primary 1 […]